Tuesday, 12 April 2011

The Lord's Day

We were pleased to welcome visitors from Ely, West Mersea and Leeds at the Breaking of Bread meeting. We were blessed to have as our speaker David Cartwright from the assembly at Redcar, Cleveland. He spoke from the story of Zaccheus as recorded in Luke 19 1-10 using it to stress how serious and how urgent is the matter of Salvation. The selection of hymns from Mission Praise I found particularly affecting: "One day when heaven was filled with His Praises", " I stand amazed in the presence of Jesus the Nazarene", "In loving kindness Jesus came, my soul in mercy to reclaim" and "Jesus my Lord will love me forever." My only caveat is that the Bible never describes sin as "black" but [in Isaiah 1 18] as "red" in the sense of a dye that is almost impossible to remove.

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