On Sunday 19th June Mr. Mark Reynolds of SASRA from Catterick gave a short report of his work at the garrison and told us that there were 3,500 soldiers there at the moment and an intake of 250 per fortnight to which he preaches the gospel and gives New Testements to. He asked prayer for the future that the opportunities might continue to be available to him. There have been significant numbers of souls that have trusted the Saviour.
He also preached from John 10 vs.9-30. God allows things in our lives that purhaps we don't understand but He is working His purpose out in our lives and in the World. He also told us that time was precious and we should make the most of it, he spoke of assurance that we are held by two hands Christ's and the Father's. He is able to save He is able to keep now and Eternity.
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