Monday, 3 November 2014

Gospel Meeting 02/11/2014

Mr. Paul Richardson read Luke 5 vs.12-15.
The man full of Leprosy.
Luke reveals Jesus Christ to us as a man and yet He is God. It was an eyewitness account, there was confirmation and certainty.
Only Jesus Christ can deal with our sin, only He can change lives.
The miracles were proof that He is the Son of Man, and Son of God.
He had power over the physical realm and the spiritual realm.
Only God can forgive sins, He was God in flesh.
Leprosy is a picture of sin and it is hereditary, all have sinned, He is the only one who could go to the cross for us to deal with our sin.
Becoming a Christian involves a cost we should leave all and follow Him.
The Leper had reverence, he called Him Lord, and he had faith that Jesus could heal him.
Jesus had compassion and healed him.
Is your Christian faith real has it made a real difference in your life has there been a change.

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