Monday, 27 April 2015

Gospel Meeting 26/04/2015

Mr. Paul Richardson read Luke 3 vs.15-23
Although John the Baptist's credentials were good his ministry was to point to Christ, he was not worthy to undo the shoes of Jesus. John could say that he was nothing and Christ was everything.
When we come to Jesus we must humble ourselves and become as nothing and He must become everything. All our plans must be channeled through Him.
What is your expectation, the people came to hear John for various reasons.
Your heart could be opened, Heaven was opened.
The greatness of the person of Christ, the Father's approval of His Son.
Christ can change your life permanently it's not just a fad.
The greatness of His blessings, John's baptism was an external display of repentance for sin.
The baptism of Christ is a sign of internal change, a new life.
John was man, Jesus is God. The Bible tells us that we are sinners.
The man who is God was born at Bethlehem, died on a cross to bear God's judgement for sin. He deals with us internally with our sin and what makes us do it, His blessings are Eternal.
John was a voice Jesus is the Word, God made flesh.
Christianity is about reality, we are either saved or lost eternally, He has the power to save and the power to judge.
As a Christian our lives will be reviewed and rewarded according to our faithfulness to Him.
If you are not a Christian you will be lost and condemned to the lake of fire for ever.
The Christian life is not a bed of roses but we should be prepared to stand up for what we believe.

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