Monday, 19 October 2015

Gospel Meeting 18/10/2015

Mr.John Green read Psalm 67 and John 19 vs.17-30.
"It Is Finished."
1/ The man on the cross.
2/ The words from the cross.
3/ The effect of the cross.
4/ The response to the cross.

1/ The man on the cross. The Messiah, The King. He spoke and acted with authority.
He calmed the sea, He healed the sick, He raised the dead, He forgave sin. He was not an impostor He was authentic, He didn't just talk the talk, He walked the walk. He was different He had no sin or deceit, even Pilate could find no guilt in Him. He is the Messiah but He died like a criminal.

2/ The words from the cross. "It is finished." accomplishment, it was accomplished for the past, present and future. It wasn't just a task that had been completed, the purpose for which God had sent Him had been completely fulfilled. He fulfilled the Scriptures.

3/ The effect of the cross. In fulfilling the Scriptures He accomplished the work of Salvation He died on the cross and bore the judgement for sin He paid the price in full. A debt we couldn't pay, He paid it all. We can be free from the penalty and the power of sin in our lives. He rose again and we can live in the power of new life. This was purchased for us through the death of Christ. Then one day we shall go to be with Him and there will be no more crying, pain or tears.

4/ The response to the cross. It is not something you can earn, it is not about us it is all about Him. We just have to repent and trust Him, experience God's grace, cast ourselves on Him and enjoy the peace and joy He gives,

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