Monday, 26 October 2015

Mr Terry Martin read from Isaiah 48 vs.16-22 
Titled it "Living Life in Peace, Not a Life in Pieces"

People all over the world are searching for a true, lasting peace.
But the world of 2015 is largely without peace.
As with these Israelites, people today have parted from God and have no peace.

Many today say that God does not listen or answer their prayers, but their first prayer should be one of repentance.

The peace that The Lord Jesus gives is a peace that no-one else can give.
The uncertainty in this world is unbelievable, with no end to our problems that confound on a daily basis. But we confront them to The Lord, giving our burdens to Him - and importantly - leaving them there. We don't know the future, but those who know The Lord knows The One who holds the future.

Don't wait until at you're wits end - peace, real peace is in leaving it with Him.
If there seems to be no light at the end of the tunnel on life's journey - Israel had become like this, and had to be told they were rebelling, disobeying and forsaken God. Isaiah didn't want to listen to God resulting in no peace.
Same in our country today -  the Empire has gone, through disobedience and rulers who do not want to know God.

However, the way for real, true, deep and everlasting peace is to accept Lord Jesus Christ God's Son, who gives unique peace and rest to our longing hearts.
Scripture tells us:He is "The Prince of Peace", He "having made peace by the blood of his cross", "the peace of God, which passeth all understanding", and "thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, who's mind is stayed on thee".

Surrender your life to Him and receive His peace that flows like a river.

This peace that everyone craves for is a reality.The world looks at people for something they want and don't have, but only through knowing The Lord Jesus can it be received. "My peace I give unto you, not as the world giveth, give I unto you".

The challenge is: if you have this peace, what are you doing with it.... are we showing others this and drawing people to Jesus?...sins forgiven and the peace of God enters in! 
This is just a taste of what it will be like when we are in the Glory.

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