Monday, 8 December 2014

Gospel Meeting 07/12/2014

Mr.Graham Swift read 2 Peter 3 vs.1-10 "The Last Days"
There are scoffers who will believe anything except what God says.
The wicked were destroyed at the time of the flood and there is a coming judgement.
Graham likened it to the sinking of the Titanic, many people trusted it it and thought it was unsinkable even when it was going down they thought they were safer on board rather than a lifeboat.
what are we trusting in, are we blindly following something whose end is destruction?
Many people believe they are born, live and then die and they have no fear of God and no thought of accountability to Him.
Noah's Ark saved him and his family from the flood it was designed by God and got them safely through the judgement of God on the wickedness of the earth.
Jesus is an Ark and we can be safe in Him, He is our Salvation if we repent and trust Him for His saving work at Calvary.
Romans 8 vs.1 There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus,

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