Monday, 15 December 2014

Gospel Meeting 14/12/2014

Andrew and David Richardson spoke about "Why the Bible is so important."
Scientifically and historically it is sound and there are no contradictions in it.
They read Deuteronomy 30 vs.16-20, Daniel 5 vs.24-31 and Genesis 3 vs.15.
God Keeps His promises.
The birth of Jesus Christ was promised in Genesis 3 vs.15, He was born of a virgin and He conquered death.
We fall short but He was perfect and He paid the price for our sin, He paid the debt that we owed God for our sin.
John 14 vs.1-6 In this passage Jesus Christ who is God and man promises to come back for those who trust Him and we will spend Eternity with Him, but we must repent and believe.

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