Tuesday 26 May 2009

Sunday 24th May

We were delighted to welcome Mr and Mrs Holmes of Killamarsh to the Lord's Table once again and hope that their short stay in Scarborough will be pleasant and restful. We were also greatly encouraged by their report of work being done by Stephen Clegg amongst prisoners and of a couple who have recently come to faith who had previously been enmeshed in drink/drug addiction and attendant criminal activity. Once again the children in the family testified concerning the welcome improvement in the home atmosphere. Praise the Lord!

Our evening Gospel meeting was led by Stan Chapelow who read from Luke Chapter 4 verses 15 - 30 and Psalms 56 verse 9

Sunday 17 May 2009

Gospel Meetings

Brian Nixon was unable to visit us due to illness and we were pleased that Laurence Jones was able to take on the responsibility for the meeting on Sunday 10th May at short notice. We read Psalm 119 32-40, Joshua 71 - 82 & 26-9 and Galations 3 10. Our Brother reminded us of the seriousness of sin in the eyes of God and called us to examine ourselves, repent and seek God's forgiveness.

Allan Green of Harrogate spoke this evening [Sunday 17th May], retelling the story of David and Goliath, reminding us that God has revealed himself in Creation, in His Holy Word and through His Beloved Son and simply describing our need to be saved from eternal punishment and our need to be saved now. The reading was from John chapter 14 verses 1-6.

Monday 4 May 2009

Recent meetings

We were sorry that due to a health difficulty Jack and Isa were not able to visit us on Sunday 26th April and we trust that the Lord will provide His perfect healing to Isa and that we will be able to hear their report on a rearranged date.

Graham Elliot led our gospel meeting in their absence and spoke about the communion between God and man that is now possible on the basis of what the Lord Jesus Christ has done. We read Exodus 29 38-46 and Hebrews 10 9-25, Revelation 21 3, Genesis 3 8, Mark 15 37-39 and Revelation 3 20. The speaker drew our attention to the typical representation of the Tabernacle as described in the later chapters of the book of Exodus.

Yesterday [May 3rd] we were blessed by a clear and powerful Gospel message from our Brother Philip Kaye who directed us to John 3 14 and to Numbers 21 4 -10. He described how we have all rebelled, deserve punishment but that when we genuinely repent we can turn to Jesus for forgiveness and salvation.