Monday 26 June 2017

Gospel Meeting 25/06/2017

1st Epistle of Peter ch1 vs1 – 13.

There IS life after death!

Atheists, evolutionists, and many continue to say “When I die it’s over…I will make the best of it here and now”.
As believers, we need to warn them that they will soon confront their Creator.
All will be required to give an account of their lives to God.

There are two ways of approaching unbelievers on this matter – explaining the terrors of an endless Hell, or the endless beautiful Heaven.
The speaker would be concentrating on the latter this evening.

The context of Peter’s letter is addressing Christian people who are going through difficult times.

vs4) tells us that there is a glorious inheritance awaiting all who have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour.
Peter also encouraged them by saying although they were scattered, rejected, and nothing to the world, yet they were all loved by God.
Each were chosen, and in the family of God.

“…who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ” –
Ephesians ch1 vs3.

Although they were persecuted, driven out, fleeing, and lost their earthly inheritance, yet Peter encouraged them with the things to come – vs4) “…an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you”.

How very different from those people who reject Christ and are left behind!

vs3) tells us that by God’s “abundant mercy” believers are born again, into a “living hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead”.
Hope is a lovely word!
It is the expectation and the desire coming together.
Hope in The Lord Jesus Christ is expecting all His promises and desiring to be with Him…

“… Even so, come, Lord Jesus” – Revelation ch22 vs20.

A “living hope”, is not an earthly hope – it will come to pass.
The unbelievers “hope” dies with them.
The believers “living hope” goes with us.

Any earthly inheritance can go at anytime. It can be stolen or lost, but as believers our inheritance - gained through personal repentance and trust in the sinless life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ - will NEVER perish or deteriorate.
Many things in this world does, all due to sin and God’s judgement upon our world -  but our inheritance is pure, lovely, clean, true, and without defilement.

God is holy, and will only share this inheritance with others who are holy.
To us, this is impossible.
But a way has been made for anyone to be holy – through Jesus Christ!
By His wonderful grace, love and mercy, we can be washed clean by His cleansing blood given at the Cross, and clothed in His righteousness… you will be declared by God to be as holy as His Son!

So many people today get bored of things.
No matter how much we may enjoy our favourite meal or music, etc, we become bored with them when we have them too often… believers will have no such experiences in Heaven!

We will have what God intended from the beginning – being with God and for God.
Our inheritance is vs4) “reserved in heaven for us”, kept by God.
How much do you trust people with your money or goods?
God is keeping our inheritance, and no-one can take it away.

“Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal”. – Matthew’s Gospel ch6 vs19 – 20.

There is no point having an inheritance safe and secure if you do not arrive to collect it … receive the blessings Jesus Christ has gained for you.
You must have faith. Do not die in your sins without personal faith in Christ and His work on the Cross for you.

“Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat; Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it”. –
Matthews Gospel ch 7 vs13 – 14.

Repent, ask forgiveness of Christ, and trust yourself to Him.
Faith is a daily relationship with Christ, through the Holy Spirit.

All these things are to the praise of The Lord Jesus Christ.

The speaker concluded by wanting all those present to be meeting together, for this eternal inheritance in Heaven.

Monday 19 June 2017

Gospel Meeting 18/06/2017

Luke’s Gospel ch18 vs9 – 14.

In today’s society, people still like to think they are better than others.
The Pharisees certainly thought so, by their following of the Law to the letter.
They thought they were so righteous, trusting in themselves.
This is still the same today – many people see nothing wrong with their lives, believing they are pleasing God.

The Lord Jesus Christ got the Pharisees attention by talking about them in this parable.
They were enjoying the first part – believing themselves to be the best, and the tax collector the lowest of men. vs11)  “…I thank thee that I am not as other men are…”
They loved going even beyond what the Law required, but were just religious, going through the motions and not thinking about what they were really doing.
They were a most arrogant group!

To be a Christian, you must understand WHY you need to be saved… you need to understand about sin, and what God has done concerning your personal sins.
You not only need head knowledge, but your heart must also be right with God.
If you come to Christ for forgiveness, it is always a personal decision.
God deals with us all as individuals, speaking to us in different ways.

Religion only teaches us to do things  such as giving, or going to church. But God did not give the law for us to follow parrot – fashion, it was to show us that none of us could ever keep it.
We have ALL sinned!
Jesus Christ said that even thinking the act is sin.

What a total difference we find in the attitude of the tax collector – vs13a)  he stood “afar off”, “not lifting up as much as his eyes to heaven”.

“Once you were alienated from God, and were enemies in your minds because of your evil behaviour” – Colossians ch1 vs21.

The tax collector knew where he should be, and knew more than the Pharisees.
He was aware of his own sins, and standing afar off, he knew his guilt.
He knew he was not worthy of drawing near to God – and we all need to be of the same mind, not fooling ourselves like the Pharisees.

This is the tragedy of religion.
Having a sense of our own importance before God.
The Lord Jesus Christ will say of these people “…I never knew you, depart from me…” – Matthew’s Gospel ch7 vs23.
Like today’s religions – things are done “in the name of God”, but it is not real and against the truth of God.

The tax collector not looking up, was convicted of his sin and his needs.
In humility before God,  vs13b)  he confesses his sins and is repentant – “God be merciful to me a sinner”.
He fully understood his position before God, and was taking no notice of the Pharisees.
His only concern was to get himself right with God,
It was personal – and so it needs to be with each of us if we are to be forgiven and saved -  by coming to Jesus Christ in repentance and having faith in His completed work of salvation on the Cross…

“There’s a way back to God from the dark paths of sin;
there’s a door that is open and you may go in:
at Calvary’s Cross is where you begin,
when you come as a sinner to Jesus”.
 words of song by E.H.Swinstead.

 In the person of The Lord Jesus Christ, He has provided Salvation to anyone who will accept it.
 One is then made righteousness through faith – and vs14) – justified like the tax collector.
 All because of Christ, in love, giving His body and His shed blood to pay for the price of your personal sins.

Jesus Christ will not turn YOU away, 
He says “…him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out”.        John’s Gospel ch6 vs37. 
  We all must come in the same right way as the tax collector – confessing in humility, with a broken spirit.

The truth was spoken again tonight about how you can be saved from the eternal penalties of your unforgiven sin.
The Gospel message has not changed in over 2000 years…
Society has changed, as has culture… man has advanced intellectually, in medicine, in engineering…
But the way to God and Heaven is always the same – personally acknowledge what Christ has done for you, come in repentance, fully trusting in His sacrifice and you too will go home justified, and with joy.

Tuesday 13 June 2017

Gospel Meeting 11/06/2017

                Mark’s Gospel ch10 vs32 – 34.
                Luke’s Gospel ch19 vs1 – 10,
                                         ch22 vs63 – 71,
                                         ch23 vs1 – 12,
                                         ch24 vs1 – 8.
                 Hebrews ch13 vs8.

The past twelve months has been a year of surprising things.
The “Brexit” result, Donald Trump becoming president of the USA, and now in our General Election a huge lead in the polls was almost gone on the day of vote.
In each of these things, the opposite was expected to happen.

Although we live in a most changing world which causes worry and concern, none of these results are a surprise to God.
There is never any happening that is unexpected to God.
He knows all, understands all, and all are in His plan.

Many people thought that the last thing to happen to a lovely man who healed, loved, and spoke words like no other – the Lord Jesus Christ -  is that He would be put to death.
The Lord’s followers were fearful concerning these things, but Christ -  ch10 vs33) “went before them”.  It was His Father’s will for Him to go to Jerusalem, to the Cross, and nothing would stop Him.
We do not know even what tomorrow may bring, but The Lord knows all and everything is in His hands.
Christ told His disciples beforehand exactly what was going to happen to Him – How He would be taken, His death and resurrection.
All came to pass just as He had said.

Many people now think Jesus Christ was just a good man, nothing more, but His life and death was for Salvation.
Christ paid our sins in His own body on the Cross, that we can all have forgiveness.
His was a cruel death, crucified between two robbers. He knew all these things, but nothing would stop Him from laying down His life to bring Salvation to the world.
At the end on the Cross, He dismissed His spirit – in control to the last moment – and cried with a loud voice “It is finished”… His Father’s work was complete.
On the third day, as foretold, His Father fully satisfied with His sacrificial death, He arose from His grave.

On a personal level, God is also in control of all our lives –
Although Zacchaeus was curious just to see Him, The Lord already knew everything about Zacchaeus!
The Lord was not going to stop in Jericho – He was passing through on His way to Jerusalem.
Zacchaeus was not a popular man, being a chief tax collector and cheating people with their money. He was rich. The Lord tells us in Matthew’s Gospel ch19 vs23) “…it is hard for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven”…yet “…with God all things are possible” – Matthew’s Gospel ch19 vs26.
Zacchaeus on dining with Jesus, was personally repentant, confessing his sins to His Saviour, and calling Him Lord.
We all need to do this on a personal level and put our faith and trust in the work of salvation offered by Jesus Christ.
Then Christ can say - as with Zacchaeus – “This day is salvation come to this house”.
It seemed an unlikely place, but Christ knowing that the life of Zacchaeus needed forgiveness, came to where he was… “For the son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost”.

The Lord knows all about your life too, and is speaking to you.
Be like Zacchaeus and accept Him as Lord and Saviour TODAY – tomorrow would have been too late for him  – The Lord was gone, never to return that way.
The reason each of the people are in this Hall tonight, is because God wanted us to be here and nowhere else… He wanted to have dealings with each one of us.

Zacchaeus gladly accepted Christ.
However, those seeing Jesus with Zacchaeus did not like it, saying “…he was gone to be guest with a man that is a sinner”… but this is true of everybody.
Romans ch3 vs23) “…all have sinned, and fallen short of the glory of God”.
Repentance and faith in The Lord Jesus Christ is required.

There is so little to trust in this life and in this world, but we can fully trust in Him –
“Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever”.

Monday 5 June 2017

Gospel Meeting 04/06/2017

Luke’s Gospel ch14 vs15 – 24,  ch15 vs7, 10 – 24, ch16 vs19 – 31.

The speaker gave the following headings to the scripture;
Chapter 14 – Earth and madness.
Chapter 15 – Heaven and gladness.
Chapter 15 – Hell and sadness.

Chapter 14.
The people that were invited in the parable of the great supper had no time for it, making ridiculous excuses: why would you buy a piece of ground without having seen it?... why would you buy five yoke of oxen without having proved them?...
So it is today – people have no time for the things of Christ or His Heavenly invitation.
However, today has the same call as in vs17) – “Come, for all things are now ready”.
There was a great preparation and cost involved for the Gospel invite to be ready.
Jesus Christ, God’s eternal Son, came down into this world to meet the needs of our sin question.

This parable was told in the house of a Pharisee and addressed to them.
“…ye will not come to me, that ye might have life”. – John’s Gospel ch5 vs40…
Where do YOU stand on this, guilty sinner?
Jesus Christ died that we might have life. Yet we never deserved His great mercy and love.
We all need to confess our sins and acknowledge Christ as our personal Saviour.
This contrasts to these people who made excuses.

In this parable the Lord was aware of the needs of all – he wanted to help the poor, the maimed, the halt and the blind, inviting them all to his great supper.
Whatever category you fall into, you are still one of the needy – you need a Saviour to be saved from your sins.
You should not need much persuasion!
The Master desired his house to be full, and it is also God’s desire that His home in Heaven is filled with forgiven, saved sinners, to extend His full blessings upon them.
God’s house is filling up fast – will you be the last? People still think that nothing is happening and have plenty time… but The Lord IS coming, and only those saved from their sins by faith in Christ’s precious shed blood will be taken.
Death does not end all.
If you are not saved, then come in repentance and faith tonight – there is still room.
Do not be like the people in this parable – vs24)  “…none of those men… shall taste of my supper”.
No Christ – no Salvation. No feast – no blessing.
Jesus said “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the father, but by me”. John’s Gospel ch14 vs6.

Chapter 15.
This chapter tells us that we have a seeking Shepherd and a seeking Saviour.
There is great rejoicing in Heaven over one sinner that repents and is saved from their sins – vs7.
God takes notice of individuals and loves you personally.

“Lord, Thou hast here Thy ninety and nine;
 Are they not enough for Thee?”
 But the Shepherd made answer: “This of Mine
 Has wandered away from Me;
 And although the road be rough and steep,
 I go to the desert to find My sheep.”

 But none of the ransomed ever knew
 How deep were the waters crossed;
 Nor how dark was the night which the Lord passed through
 Ere He found His sheep that was lost". - 
 Words from hymn.

We are all sinners, all in need, and God wants all of us who are lost – described as sheep who have gone astray – to be found and saved.
The Lord Jesus Christ made huge graphic sufferings at Calvary’s Cross for you.
“I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep” – John’s Gospel ch10 vs11.

The parable of the lost silver coin shows we can be lost at home… maybe you have Godly parents and you are not living your life in a worldly way, but not yet saved? God is still seeking you, whether in the world or at home.

In the “Parable of the lost son”, he was cruel and nasty to his Father.
He went “out into the world” and became without friends or food. No man gave unto him. When he came to his senses, he realised he had a good home where everything was provided for him. His Father was out looking for his return, and our Heavenly Father too is always looking out for a returning sinner.
The son’s first step was to acknowledge he was a sinner before God – vs18) – “I will arise and go to my father, and I will say unto him, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and before thee…”.
Good intentions are not good enough… you realise you are a sinner and intending  to be saved - you need to act! Confess your sins and come to Christ.
“…behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation”. – 
2nd Corinthians ch2 vs6.
It is of utmost importance this urgent matter is never put off until tomorrow.

The son resolved – vs20) “And he arose, and came to his father. But when he was yet a great way off, his father saw him, and had compassion, and ran, and fell on his neck, and kissed him .” The seeking Saviour! – God wants to throw His loving arms around you… start your own journey home tonight.

vs21) – “…am no longer worthy to be called thy son”.
The starting point tonight is to know you are a sinner and have sinned against the Holy God. 
To be a child of God is wholly undeserved, but all by His grace

The son had confessed, repented and was now forgiven by his father –
vs22 – 24) “Bring forth the best robe, and put it on him: and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet: And bring hither the fatted calf, and kill it; and let us eat, and be merry: For this my son was dead, and is alive again: he was lost, and is found…”.
A picture of Heaven and gladness! Joy over one sinner who had repented!
Will there be joy in Heaven over you tonight?

Chapter 16.
Hell is a place of reality
It is the place of the lost.
No more hope.
No escape.
A great gulf fixed that no-one can ever cross.
A place of eternal torment.
What a contrast with Heaven and its gladness.

The Lord Jesus Christ tells of two men who died – Lazarus, who was right with God, and went into Paradise.  He had been a beggar and had little in life.
The other had been a rich man, living in luxury, yet he did not want God. He went into Hell.

If you only have Christ you have all!

Jesus Christ makes all the difference in death.
 One soul landed in Hell, being in torment. He had remorse, regret and was fully conscious, desiring a drop of cold water to cool his tongue.
Reader, do not find yourself in this Hell. Escape this judgement through accepting Christ as your Saviour, who paid your price. Do not join this rich man in paying the eternal price for the consequences of  your unforgiven sin.
Hell and sadness.

If you died tonight, where are you spending your eternal life?
Examine your heart in relation to God.
Choose Heaven and its gladness!