Sunday 28 April 2013

Sunday 28th April 2013

Speaker: Percy Hope (Scarborough)

Key Readings:
Psalm 37 vs. 1-17
John 14 vs. 1-6
Isaiah 30 v. 21

Subject: The Way

Percy spoke about some of the miracles Jesus carried out during his life (refer Mark 2 vs. 1-12; Luke 6 vs. 17-19; Mark 1 vs. 40-45).

Matthew 7 vs. 13, 14, 21-23, tell us about the broad and narrow way. Most people are on the broad road which leads to destruction. They are ignorant of the teachings of Jesus. The Bible tells us concerning the narrow road, 'few there be that find it.' We need to strive to reach the narrow gate that leads to life. Acts 14 v. 22 tells us Christians will suffer tribulation on the pathway to heaven. Its not an easy path but it is the only way to heaven and its through Jesus Christ. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life no man comes unto God except through Me."

Sunday 21 April 2013

Sunday 21st April 2013

Speaker: Philip Gibson (Cutsyke)

Reading: Luke Ch. 24 vs.13-35

Subject: On The Road With Jesus

The Christian pathway is not always easy, there will be times of discouragement and sadness as well as the good and happy times. The two disciples were walking on the road the third day after Jesus' death, not realising that He had already risen that day. Jesus drew near to them on the road but they did not recognise Him. Sometimes it can seem that we are far from God even when He is near.

Jesus challenged them about their lack of faith in what the scriptures had foretold about His death and resurrection, how that He would die for sins but rise again in victory over sin and death. How much are we trusting in God and following Him day by day?

The two disciples, not yet knowing it was Jesus, invited Him to stay with them for the night. It was when they were eating supper that their eyes were opened to who Jesus was. How intimate are we with Jesus? Are we letting Him into every area of our lives and developing our relationship with Him?

Their hearts burned within them as they talked with Jesus. They loved being with Jesus. How much do you love Jesus and enjoy spending time with Him?

Monday 15 April 2013


Mr. William Horsburgh read Luke 19 vs.1-27

"For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost."
Zacchaeus was rich and powerful and very corrupt and we can relate to that in our day and those sort of people are the last people we would think would be saved but these things are irrelevant when it comes to salvation. A meeting with the Lord Jesus is what is important he wanted to see Jesus and Jesus came to meet him. He genuinely turned to Jesus for it is only He who can satisfy, He paid the price to set people free.

Sunday 7 April 2013

Sunday 7th April 2013

Speaker: Malcom Blanche

Reading: Isaiah 42 vs.1-4
              Matthew 12 vs.10-21

Topic: What The Lord Didn't Do

1) Sin - 1 John 3 verse 5 says, 'And you know that He was manifested to take away our sins, and in Him there is no sin.' The Lord Jesus was tempted like no other; these temptation proved that He was unable to sin.

2) Please Himself - Jesus came into the world to save us from our sins because He loved us. He came not to please Himself but for our sakes He died upon the cross. His body was broken for us, His blood was shed for us.

3)  Seek Attention For Himself - He told the people He healed in Matthew Ch. 12 not to make Him known.

4) Cause Harm - He was gentle. Jesus did not come to condemn the world but to show us the love and mercy of God.

5) Not Fail - The Lord Jesus is unfailing, as the eternal Son of God. He offers us eternal salvation if we repent and place our faith in Him.

Monday 1 April 2013


Mr. Andrew Elliott read Luke 23 vs.44-56, Luke 24 vs.1-12, Acts 1 vs.6-12 and Hebrews 10 vs.5-14
He emphasised that we should be occupied with the person of the cross and not just the cross.
He spoke about 4 places three that were full and became empty and one that was empty and became full.
1/ The Cross - He was crucified by wicked hands and punished by God for our sin but He was taken down by loving hands and laid in a tomb.
2/ The Tomb - He was laid in a new tomb no corruption had been there, and on the third day He is not here but has risen, still no corruption in the tomb.
3/ The World - the world was full of Christ and then He ascended back to Heaven although His Spirit remains in His people. We should be full of Him and empty to the world.

4/ Heaven - He left Heaven to come to this world and has now returned His work completed still bearing the marks of Calvary  in His glorified body.
Are we in the good of His work and enjoying Him as our Saviour and Lord.