Monday 26 August 2013

Gospel Meeting 25/08/2013

Mr. Mick Wajdner gave a short message based on Joshua 2 and Hebrews 11 vs.30-40
He spoke about
An improbable event.
and An impossible situation.
Communication, Conviction, and Commitment.
Rahab heard then believed and then rested on the promise.
There is no escape without the mercy of God, He is the God of the impossible.
The Son of God dying on a cross to pay the price for our sin is an improbable event.and an impossible situation, but through it Salvation is available to us through faith.
Mick then gave a report of the work done for the Lord by SASRA. The Scripture Readers have a unique and amazing opportunity to speak to the Armed Forces about the Gospel as they are a captive audience but also are available to help and council them. there are many that have trusted the Saviour through this work and we will continue to pray for them.

Monday 19 August 2013

Gospel Meeting 18/08/2013

Mr. Phil. Benstead gave a report on the work in Northern Cyprus.
He read Acts 13 vs.4-12 to show that there has been a Gospel influence in Cyprus since then, and that its geographical position is significant.
The church has a Turkish speaking part and an English speaking part which is made up of several different nationalities including many African students.
There has been 13 baptisms this year.
The Cypriot people in the north have a very strong national identity which intrinsically includes being Islamic so it is very difficult to reach them as it would mean them being cut off from family and friends if they were saved.
There is a good work going on with the students.
A book table is also used on the Greek side of the border.
So lots of encouraging things happening but still a great need for prayer especially for the local people.

Mr. Alan Green read Mark 10 vs.17-34
This man had an important question and he had some knowledge of the Lord Jesus and he realised that Jesus would be able to answer his question. We now have far more knowledge of Him and yet are we going to let the opportunity pass us by.
God is very patient and slow to anger and merciful.
This mans priority was wealth he turned away, how sad.
 Mr 8:36 For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?
What is our response, God must punish sin. He sent His Son to be our Saviour, He came as a babe in Bethlehem  and grew and eventually died on the cross of Calvary to pay the penalty for our sin.
JOHN 3 vs.16  For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
We must come to repentance and faith. we have a choice like this man had will you turn away or accept Jesus as your Saviour.

Monday 12 August 2013

Gospel Meeting 11/08/2013

Mr. Josh Kaye read John 14 vs.1-18, 6 vs.16-21 and Acts 3 vs.1-10.
1/ Finding Fulfilment.
2/ Abandoning Anxiety.
3/ Receiving Happiness.
1/Although a government survey says that our lives are improving these things can only be fully experienced by knowing Jesus Christ as our Saviour.
We need a Saviour because we have fallen short of God's standard and we are not fit for Heaven. Our Souls can only be satisfied in the Lord Jesus Christ the water is a picture of this. and we can receive the water that He gives and we will receive Everlasting Life. He took our place when He died on the cross to save us from going to Hell.
2/ We are in danger if we are still in our sin and we should be anxious because we will have to face the consequences of it. God punished His Son for our sin if we don't accept Him we will be lost in our sin. We should let Christ in to our hearts and lives and He will take away our guilt and anxiety. Let Him In.
3/Being saved doesn't take away our problems but through the power of the Lord Jesus we can be content in our Salvation. He can put you on the narrow road that leads to life.
Will you trust Him tonight. Through His cross, death and resurrection we can have Salvation by having Faith towards the Lord Jesus Christ.
and repentance towards God.
Then we will have Eternal Life.
We will Find Fulfilment.
Abandon Anxiety about Eternity.
Receive Contentment and Happiness.

Monday 5 August 2013

Gospel Meeting 04/08/2013

Mr. Richard Malcolm read the first part of Isaiah 38 vs.20 and John 14 vs.1-3
 He spoke about being ready.
He is ready to save us are we ready to let Him.
We need saving from sin, people today to not have a correct view of sin and in some ways it has become fashionable to sin but God hates sin it is disobedience to Him and we can fool everyone but we can't fool God, "the wages of sin is death" there are two destinations Heaven or Hell.
God sent His Son to die on a cross to pay the price for our sin, He was punished for all the sins we have committed it makes it personnel.
He rose again and He is ready, willing and able to save you are you ready to trust Him. He always keeps all His promises He will never let you down. "Now is the accepted time." He is coming again you can meet Him as your Saviour or your Judge,