Monday 28 January 2019

Gospel Meeting 27/01/2019

Luke’s Gospel ch19 vs1 – 10.

To best understand someone and events in their life, it can often help to try and place yourself in that person’s position, as much as one can.
The speaker gave his message tonight, with thoughts around Zacchaeus’ point of view…

"I am Zacchaeus. I live in a big city called Jericho. I am short in stature. I am a Jew, but should pay more attention to the Law. I work as a chief tax collector for the Romans, and because of this I am despised by my own people. They see me as a traitor!

If I am honest, they have a right to hate me, as I am not a good person – I take a lot more of their money than I should. I deceive and defraud my fellow citizens".

Dear reader, what do you consider to be a good person?
We all like to think of ourselves as a good person - or at the least not a bad person, but deep down we know that each of us has many faults.

"I, knew I was doing bad things to people, but continued to do it.
I was rich, and had many things, but realised that something was still badly missing from my life".

Reader, maybe you often feel like this too, even though you may not be rich?
There is a way to absolutely fill that loss and that gap in your life…

"I heard one day that someone special was coming to Jericho, and so many people were extremely excited.
Jesus Christ was coming to our city of Jericho!
He is amazing – he has turned water into wine, healed people, and done many other incredible things that no-one has ever done before!

Some people think he is a prophet, some say he is the Messiah. The Pharisees don’t like him. I really wanted to meet him for myself".

Reader, who do you say Jesus Christ is?

"So, I had a problem – because I am little and the crowds were huge I would not have had a chance of seeing him, so I ran ahead and climbed up into a sycamore tree.
Well, would you believe it – when he came by, he walked right under my tree and stopped!

Then it happened… Jesus Christ already knew I was there, and knew who I was! He knew my very name…!
Well, the next thing is, he is asking me to come down immediately because he wants to come to my house!
In my heart, I knew who this man really is and came down that tree just as fast as I could! I joyfully welcomed him and we started walking towards my home.
I kept wondering why he should be interested in me, after all I am a bit of a horrible man. Also, others would not like to see him associating with me".

Reader, The Lord Jesus Christ is personally interested in you - just the same!
He knows your name too, and all about your life and faults.

"So, I took Jesus Christ into my house, and sure enough, they were all grumbling about it - that the Messiah was a guest at the home of such a sinner!
Here, it really dawned on me how awful I was and the many wrong ways in which I was living my life. It was not only against the people, but against Holy God.

I was truly, genuinely sorry. Right there and then I confessed my sins to The Lord Jesus Christ and repented. He alone was able to save me from the penalty of my sins, and completely forgive me.
Jesus Christ is the Son of God! Sinless and perfect!
I  wanted so much to change my ways, and promised to repay all the money I had stolen from people – even four times as much!

A few months later, this most wonderful man was crucified on a hillside called Calvary, between two thieves.
It took a while to understand why the only one who was holy could be crucified, but his disciples fully explained why these things had to be.

You see, Jesus Christ, God’s Son, had to be the perfect sacrifice for everybody’s sins, so that anyone – including you – can be forgiven and have an eternal home in Heaven instead of eternal condemnation.
 He took all our punishment upon himself.
The only one who was without sin was made sin, that we can go free.
As Jesus Christ left my home, his words told me I am saved from my wretched sins -because he came down into this world to seek and to save lost and sinful people just like me.

Maybe you are not as bad as I am, but we are all sinners, every single one of us, and we all need to come to Jesus Christ, who is the only Saviour of sinners. Only his pure, undefiled blood poured out at Calvary's Cross can cleanse us from our many sins".

Dear reader, if you are still under condemnation in your sins tonight, I urge you to come in faith and accept Jesus Christ as your own Lord and Saviour. Turn away from the sinful lifestyle and begin a new life with Him – “the one who loved you and gave himself for you”.

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life”.
- John’s Gospel ch3 vs16.

Monday 7 January 2019

Gospel Meeting 06/01/2019

Mark’s Gospel ch2 vs13 -17.

Having forgiven and healed the paralytic man earlier in this chapter, The Lord Jesus Christ moved on from the very crowded and noisy house in Capernaum - down to the seaside…
We who are living in Scarborough are fully appreciating this move!

Passing by the tax office, He asked Levi (Matthew), a tax collector to follow Him. He immediately left all things and did so.
We may think that we have far too many taxes to pay, but it was no different in this past time! The Jewish tax collectors were hated as working for the Roman occupiers, many of which being of ill – repute and corrupt.

Matthew, having repented and accepted The Lord Jesus Christ, was not only forgiven of his sins, but also having his life changed for the better.
Forgiveness for our sins is essential and truly wonderful, but The Lord Jesus Christ goes further – He also transforms lives in behaviour and thinking!
Matthew became a devoted follower of Jesus Christ – a disciple.
A tax collector went on to write the history and ministry of The Lord Jesus Christ!

Dear reader, have you personally repented of your own sins and accepted Jesus Christ as your Saviour? Have you not yet experienced the great peace and joy of knowing your every sin is forgiven, by trusting in Jesus Christ’s work on The Cross?
There at Calvary, the sinless Son of God gave His own body and shed blood to make atonement for all our sins.
He alone did what none of us could ever do – He paid the price of all our sins and took our deserved punishment upon Himself. His Father fully accepted this sinless sacrifice, and Christ was raised from the dead.
Jesus Christ is the only Saviour of sinners, and the only way to Heaven!

So, Matthew’s natural skills were used to the further glory of God, and here is a challenge indeed, to all of us who know Christ as our Lord and Saviour…
“How do I use what I naturally have, for God’s service”?

We can learn much from Matthew – he left all, followed Christ, and gave all!
How many countless precious souls and lives have been blessed through the reading of Matthew’s Gospel account!
Each of us has something that The Lord can fully use (read 1st Corinthians ch12, Romans ch12).
Every one of us has a part and is needed in the Church of Jesus Christ.

It is all about Him – our great Redeemer!
“I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me”
 – Galatians ch2 vs20.

Give your all to this most wonderful Saviour today, tomorrow and for all eternity!