Monday 30 January 2012

Sunday 29th January

Stuart Gordon from Harrogate read from Luke Chapter 19 verses 1-10 about Zacchaeus, a tax collector in the time of Jesus. Zac wanted to see Jesus and had to climb a tree to be able to do so because he was a small man and there were a lot of people in the crowd. Are people stopping you from seeing Jesus? He was also a rich man through dishonest gain, taking more taxes from people than he should. Jesus was interested in him. Jesus deals with people personally, and asked Zac could he come to his house to meet him. Zac received him willingly and his life was transformed. He gave half his wealth to the poor and restored four times the people he had cheated.

Monday 23 January 2012

Sunday 22nd January

John Walls from the fellowship read from John's Gospel Chapter 3 and spoke about the need to be born again. Without the new birth, which is a Spiritual birth through faith in Jesus, we cannot see and we cannot enter the kingdom of God. Jesus Christ was crucified upon a cross the we might live forever with Him. He died for our sin that we might not perish.

Monday 16 January 2012

Sunday 17th January

Peter Jones from the fellowship read from Genesis chapter 22 and Colossians Ch 1 verses 15-20. He spoke on the similarities between Abraham and Isaac and God the Father and God the Son. Abraham was asked to sacrifice Isaac on the alter but in the end God spared him from taking his son's life. When Jesus dies God did not spare His Son but punished Him for our sins.

Monday 9 January 2012

Sunday 8th January 2012

Gordon Robshaw from the fellowship read from Exodus 17 and John 4 and spoke about water, the living water that Jesus gives us. Living water symbolises God's living word through which we are saved. If we receive the water of the word it will be like a fountain springing up into eternal life.

Wednesday 4 January 2012


Laurence Jones read Galatians 1 vs.1-10
He spoke about "The True Gospel"
If we know what the true gospel is then we will reconise a false gospel.
The true gospel is based solely on the Word of God, not by works but by grace.
Christ gave Himself so that we could be declared righteous (justification by faith). We have deliverance, freedom, peace and assurance through His finished work.
Any false gospel requires us to earn salvation which leads to bondage and failure because it can never be achieved.