Tuesday 3 October 2017

Gospel Meeting 01/10/2017

The Acts of the Apostles ch16 vs16 – 40.

The speaker sectioned his message into 3 headings:

1) The Singing Prisoner –
Paul and Silas were so ill –treated and badly beaten without cause that had these circumstances happened today, they would most certainly have had a right to take legal action…
However, we read that instead of complaining they were praying and singing praises to God, that all the prisoners could hear them!
Why? Because they knew God in their hearts and lives, and it brought them joy.
Also, they knew their Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ had asked of them -
 “Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you”. – Matthew's Gospel ch5 vs44.
This is an important reminder for us too in our daily lives.

2)  The Swinging Door –
This was not a normal event. Earthquakes cause huge indiscriminate damage and destruction, but here the doors were opened and the prisoner’s chains loosed!
Amazing too, that none of the prisoners tried to escape – very different had it been anywhere today.
This is a great example of the power and authority of God over nature and the heart of man… God is always in full control.
When things happen in our lives that we may not understand or bring us heartfelt problems – let us have assurance in remembering this.

3) The Saved Jailor – 
with a further 5 subtitles:

a) The Alarm of the Jailor -
Any jailor’s number one rule was “no prisoner is ever to escape”… or it would cost you your own life!
The singing of Paul and Silas failed to awaken him from his sleep – but the earthquake most certainly did.
He was on the verge of ending his life by suicide. Anyone that is not saved from their sins is as a dead man – we have nothing, and nothing good to look forward to beyond our earthly life.

b) The Assurance of the Jailor –
It would have been very easy for Paul , Silas and the prisoners to have escaped if the jailor had thrust his sword through himself, but he was assured that no-one had left and to do no harm to himself.
God speaks to us through His Word to assure us, and wants us to respond accordingly.
Friend, if you have not yet made the decision to repent of your sins, and asked The Lord Jesus Christ to forgive you and be your Lord and Saviour, then you are playing a very dangerous game. Your life expectancy is very uncertain.
Please respond positively – God is speaking to you personally tonight – will you accept His offer of forgiveness, through His Son’s sacrificial death and resurrection and be made fit for Heaven? Or will you reject His salvation and still be on your way to an eternal Hell?

c) The Apprehension of the Jailor –
He was still terrified, and asked the greatest question that anyone who is heading for a lost eternity separated from God, should ask…
“Sirs, what must I do to be saved?”…
If you had the option of drowning or accepting a hand to save you, you would take the hand!
Friend, why would you not want to be saved from the eternal punishment of your sins? Why would you choose not to accept the loving outstretched arms of The Lord Jesus Christ, as He welcomes you to save you from them?

d) The Answer to the Jailor -
The instant answer from Paul and Silas was given from God, and is still the same and only one tonight…
“Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved…”
It is not enough to simply believe ABOUT Jesus Christ – the history lessons etc, but to truly believe and trust ON Jesus Christ personally – where He came from, and His atoning work on Calvary’s Cross,where he suffered once for all.

The Lord Jesus Christ IS God!
He was raised from the dead, ascended back to Heaven, and is returning soon to take home all those who have put their faith and trust in Him.
Friend, believe, and be sure you know Him as Lord and Saviour before it is too late.

e) The Actions of the Jailor –
Almost at life’s end through suicide, he is now turned to joy through accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour! Knowing too, that his eternal destination in Heaven was secured!
All we believers will see him and be with him there, without any more sufferings… what absolute joy we will all have when gathered there with our Lord Jesus Christ evermore!

Jesus Christ changes lives – and what a transformation we see with the jailor.
Now he is looking after Paul and Silas who he badly handled, looking after them in his own home and treating their wounds!
As fellow Christians they now had a common bond, seeking to help each other in all ways.

The jailor shared the good news with his family, who were also saved and baptised! Do not keep the joyful news of the Gospel to yourself – share it too!

It may seem we are living in a grim and pretty hopeless world, with all the bad news we constantly hear, but God’s great eternal Heavenly home is assuredly waiting to anyone who will come to His Son, Jesus Christ, in repentance for forgiveness of sins.

Friend, you can never get to Heaven by your own strength…
“Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved”.

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