Tuesday 3 April 2018

Gospel Meeting 01/04/2018

Luke’s Gospel ch23 vs33 – 34, ch24 vs1 – 9.
1st Corinthians ch15 vs3 -4, 12 – 22.

Personal Question… What does Easter mean to you?
Is it a time for chocolates? Going on holiday? Perhaps a time for visiting family and friends?
What it means to the Speaker is summed up in fifteen words –
CHRIST DIED FOR OUR SINS… (1st Corinthians ch15 vs3)
AND THAT HE WAS BURIED… (1st Corinthians ch15 vs4)
AND THAT HE ROSE AGAIN…  (1st Corinthians ch15 vs4)

1) CHRIST died for our sins -
Dear reader, do you believe this?
Some say Jesus Christ was a good man, an example to follow – but just another man.
To some He means nothing, yet they often use His name as a swear word.
However, the facts are that Jesus Christ is the Eternal Son of God, born of a virgin.
He grew up completely sinless – it was impossible for Him to sin, being God!
His entire life was apart from sin.
Who do you say that He is?

The Speaker trusted Jesus Christ in June 1968 and he fully commends this Man to you tonight. He loves The Lord Jesus Christ and knows Christ loves him.
How much does He mean to you tonight, dear friend?
What will you say about Him?

The Lord Jesus Christ having lived a perfect life without a single sin, then suffered an awful death on our behalf - to pay the full price of our sins that we could never pay.
He was crucified – a most barbaric and tortuous death. Later, the Roman Emperor abolished it, as being too horrific.

The Lord Jesus Christ allowed His own creation to take Him and nail Him to that Cross. This is how much He personally loves you and I!

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him, should not perish, but have everlasting life”.
- John’s Gospel ch3 vs16.
He physically died for our sins, that we may be forgiven and not face eternal punishment in that most terrible place called Hell.
Every one of us has sinned and we all need to come in repentance and faith, accepting the only Saviour of sinners -  through His redeeming work on Calvary’s Cross.

“For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God”.
- Romans ch3 vs23.
The world loves to gloss over this and not mention our sin problem!

Some people left the scene of His crucifixion glad that He was dead. They were envious and jealous of Him, and now thought that was the end of it all.
Others were sad.
But what about you, reader? How do these things affect your heart tonight?
Is your heart not filled with gratitude and wonder, at such undeserved love towards you? No – one will ever love you more than this Man!

2) And that HE was buried –
Wicked hands nailed Jesus Christ to the Cross, but loving hands removed the cruel nails and took Him down after His death.
He was buried, with a great stone rolled across the tomb, and then sealed.

There has been some notable celebrity burials over the years, where millions have watched and thousands have attended. Great pomp and ceremony has taken place before, during and after the burials.
None of these things surrounded the burial of The Eternal Son of God…yet never was there One as precious! It is recorded in only a few verses, and only a few people were there.
However, it was most definitely not the end of this Man! We would not be gathered here tonight if it had been so!

3) And that HE rose again –
On the third day Jesus Christ rose from the dead!
His sacrifice for our sins fully accepted by God The Father.
A risen, justified Saviour!
Do you believe this, literally and physically?
If not dear friend, then you are still in your sins and facing a lost Eternity, separated from God.
The risen Christ was seen of many people during the following month. This included His own disciples, and then to over 500 people at once.
He is now ascended back to Heaven, to His Father’s right hand.
His work of redemption here is done – once for all!

Today, many others are worshipped – the likes of Karl Marx and Elvis Presley’s graves are regularly visited. If you ask anyone to take you to their leader, they all have one thing in common – they will take you to a cemetery or a shrine!
When the Speaker says “come and meet my Leader” – he points and looks upwards to living Saviour in Heaven! Christians look up, not down!

“I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore…”
- The Revelation ch1 vs18.

Jesus Christ is soon returning – for those who have genuinely repented of their sins and in faith asked The Lord Jesus Christ to forgive them, making Him their personal Lord and Saviour.
“… I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also”.
- John’s Gospel ch14 vs 2 – 3.

Do you want to know the only way to this real place of Heaven? ...
“Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man cometh unto the father, but by me.”
- John’s Gospel ch14 vs6.

It also needs to be made known, that Hell too, is a real place.
A place of eternal torment for those who have not accepted Christ’s atoning work.
One noted celebrity recently denied it’s existence… reader, do not be deceived!

But for those who have grasped this full and free Salvation through Jesus Christ – the best is yet to come… and forever!
Please do not reject the most wonderful love He has for you – it is beyond measure! Even though He knew exactly what He was going to suffer in taking our sins upon Himself at Calvary, He still came!
“But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us”.
- Romans ch5 vs8.

Is Jesus Christ your own Lord and Saviour tonight?
Can you say “it is well with my soul?”
Come to Him without delay, and make that decision to know Him this very hour.

This IS Easter! -

A risen, glorified Saviour!
Are you ready for His return – not as The Judge, but as your Saviour?

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