Wednesday 6 June 2018

Gospel Meeting 03/06/2018

1st Epistle of Paul to the Thessalonians ch1 vs9 – ch2 vs16.

The apostle Paul was one of the great preachers of the Gospel.
He fully valued its message, and was eye – witness to its life changing power.
Earlier, he saw the wonderful changes in Lydia and also the Philippian jailor, (Acts ch16), through accepting Jesus Christ as their Saviour.

There is a great responsibility in preaching the good news of the Gospel – including plainly telling all unforgiven sinners that they are bound for Hell – and Paul felt the weight of the ministry.

There are six points here highlighted, showing how Paul so valued the Gospel and in his sharing of it:

1)      He was “put in trust with the gospel” (ch2 vs4), and saw himself as a steward of such. Paul was to let the good news be known to all.

2)      He was an “apostle of Christ” (ch2 vs6). Sent by Jesus Christ and Paul wanted nothing back in return.

3)      He was like “a nursing mother” (ch2 vs7). Paul was helping new converts and such was his love for them that he was willing to give all for them! (ch2 vs8) He was whole – hearted and a huge encourager.

4)      He was “like a father” (ch2 vs11 & 12).  In his ministry Paul implored and encouraged them as a father would with his children, to come to maturity as Christians and walk worthy of The Lord.

5)      He was a “herald” (ch2 vs13). The message Paul gave was not the word of  mere men, but the truthful, eternal word of God. All manner of people are clammering to be heard today, especially on “social media”. Many philosophers give their own ideas on life and death, but here lies the most important distinction … it is not mortal mans words which are dependable, but the Word of God, the holy scriptures of truth! It is only the Holy Bible which has all authority!

“For ever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven”. – Psalm ch119 vs89.

“This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief”. – 1st Timothy ch1 vs15.

6)      He was persecuted, an exile (ch2 vs15).  Paul knew any persecution was not going to prevent him from preaching the Gospel, such was its importance. Many others had also been persecuted through accepting The Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour. The basis of all this persecution can be read in Acts ch4 vs23 -31 - which was against Acts ch4 vs23 -31 - Jesus Christ Himself.  However, although these rulers and people thought they were doing their own will in plotting to do away with Jesus Christ, they were only fulfilling the great plan and purpose of God!

God’s plan of Salvation to mankind was known before the foundations of the world! It was that His beloved Son, Jesus Christ, would lay down His sinless body on The Cross and give His blood as an atoning sacrifice for everyone’s sins. We all have a great need of a Saviour, and in His infinite love, grace and mercy, He came from Heaven into this sin – ridden Earth to save us.

Down through all these years of the Gospel being preached, millions of men, women, boys and girls across the world, have in faith trusted Jesus Christ as their own personal Saviour. In being sorry for their sins against Holy God, they have repented and also known the great change brought about in their lives through knowing Jesus Christ in a daily personal relationship. It is such a different life having made peace with God, knowing all your sins are forgiven, and the joy of looking onwards to an eternal home in Heaven with this most wonderful Lord and Saviour!

Reader, if you have never yet settled your own sin problem with God and its eternal consequences, please do so tonight by accepting Jesus Christ as your Saviour. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the best news you can ever receive!

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