Tuesday 25 July 2017

Gospel Meeting 23/07/2017

St. John’s Gospel ch4 vs1 – 30, 39 – 42.

vs4) “And he must needs go through Samaria”…

A strange statement as the Jewish people were taught by the Rabbi’s not to even set a foot on Samaritan soil.
They went on huge time – consuming detours around the land when making journeys.
But this one was a God – ordained command.

Jesus Christ had an appointment to make, although those involved were not yet to know.
The Lord had lost sheep to meet.

He revealed more about Himself to the Samaritan woman compared with many Jews that He met and talked with.
We have been blessed with many great preachers through the ages, but The Lord Jesus Christ is the best evangelist ever!
When speaking to her, He was not bound by the many cultural issues at that time between the Jews and Samaritans.
He was out to win her heart – and such was the impact that her much needed water bowl was left behind as she ran home to share her exciting news.
She had no doubts about who The Lord told her He was -  the one she spoke of -  Messias, which is called Christ.

Upon hearing the news from the woman, many others in the Samaritan city also believed in The Lord Jesus Christ, after He abode with them for two days.
vs42) “…Now we believe, not because of thy saying: for we have heard him ourselves and KNOW that this is indeed the Christ, the Saviour of the world”.

The Samaritans came from a corruption of true religion.
They talked about God, but worshipped idols.
With their background it was amazing that the woman knew that vs25) “Messias cometh, which is called Christ”.
It was nothing short of a miracle of grace!
The Samaritans were taught that only the first five books of The Bible had any relevance – all the rest were but error.
So it is today – many groups have false and wrong teachings, but it is a great encouragement to all, that God can still save those who have been in corrupted religions.

When asked the question “How do you defend The Holy Bible”, Charles Spurgeon replied “Treat it like a roaring lion!. Get the truth out and say it as it is!”
The prophets delighted in His Word and its power.
Jesus Christ would have told the Samaritans about His written Word, and of the true, righteous ways of God.
The Holy Bible is the inspired record of God’s revelation.
God is not worshipped through idols.
He is worshipped in spirit through the heart.

God provided the complete remedy for our sins in His own Son, Jesus Christ.
There is no other way – He will not respond favourably to those who try to go about their own way of Salvation, having self – interest or enjoying their sins.
Personal repentance of sins and faith in His Son is wholly required.
All else is refusing God’s grace, provided through His beloved Son.

The Lord Jesus Christ unlocked the Samaritan woman’s heart with kindness, gentleness and dignity.
The citizens saw grace in The Lord Jesus Christ, who revealed Himself as Saviour of the world.

Within two years he was arrested – “guilty” of one “offence” – for being who He was, the Son of God.
This and what followed looked like weakness, but God was ever in control from the beginning, doing His work through the evil of these men
Jesus Christ laid down His sinless life, dying on The Cross for the sins of all people including you and the speaker.
Forgiveness of sins and an eternal home in Heaven is available to ALL who will believe and put their own trust in the work of The Lord Jesus Christ.

There is no hope in placing your trust in anything or anyone else in this world, other than God’s Son.

What a privilege and blessing these Samaritans had, and the woman was thrilled with her encounter with The Lord Jesus!

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